I don’t know where you land on the Enneagram. (Here’s a great book for beginners. Also, here’s a quiz.) I’m solidly a 6 with a 5 wing. In a nutshell, it means I have a bajillion worst case scenarios in… Continue Reading →
Did you know a newspaper published a parody of ‘Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!’ called “Richard M. Nixon, Will You Please Go Now!”? And the president resigned 9 days later.
Women have been listening to their minds race in circles after a crazy day far longer than we know.
There’s a reason the angels didn’t say “Good tidings of great happiness!”
God is still having a conversation with his people – even in their broken condition!
PSA: never use the word condolences. Please. It’s cold and unfeeling.
If we truly believe God is sovereign… what does that mean in this situation? This moment in history?
Somehow when David’s hurt and lament was spent, he could see Yahweh even in the awful stuff.
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